Thursday, December 1, 2011

December 2011

Hand Made Coasters

4 x 4 white tiles
card stock
mod podge
cork board
acrylic sealer
sponge brush

1. Trace the tile on card stock and cut a little smaller than tile.
2. Cover the tile with a LIGHT layer of mod podge.
3. Lay the card stock on top of the mod podged tile.
4. Let the mod podge dry just a bit, and then apply another LIGHT coat on  top of the card stock.
5. Let it dry.
6. Attach the cork to the bottom of the  tile.
7. Spray the tops of the tiles with acrylic sealer and let dry.
*Be sure to do this in a well ventilated area.  The sealer allows your tiles to get wet without ruining them.
8. Tie them up with crochet thread.